Happy 2024 everyone!
I thought I would start this year with a blog to help us all move back into the work mindset after taking our well-earned holidays.
The last few years have been tough, so much has changed in how we do things, work just being one part of it. Unfortunately, many have experienced the cost of the pandemic on their loved ones and more recently have been affected by the increasing cost of living. These events have also put a strain on our endurance and positivity.
Any change can be stressful, and it is worth acknowledging that you have been affected. So it is important to periodically take a moment to look inside and review our actions and reactions to such changes, and in the process, learn something that we can apply in the future as well as how well you are progressing in responding to the change.

New year, new focus
This year is about making the ‘new’ normal work for you and this means adjusting quickly and getting back into the work mindset. Change is still happening, and will continue to demand your energy and attention, so be gentle with yourself when you initially cannot move at your usual pace.
Looking into 2024 for your work, what goals do you have? What do you want to change? What do you want to stay the same? Now is the time to get clear in yourself what it is you want to achieve, so you can influence events as they happen to reach those outcomes.
If you don’t think about this now, you will react to each situation with no purpose, and rather than each situation being a step along a clear path for you, instead you could move aimlessly. When there is so much uncertainty outside of us in the world, it is important to create some purpose within, to help provide a sense of control.
For your work – has your workplace changed? What are the expectations of your boss? Do you work differently now (i.e. from home or online)? Has this impacted your family and your safety? And finally – What do you want for this year?
This doesn’t have to be about getting promoted, it can be about blending your work better with your family or community, achieving that work-life balance we all dream of. It could be about the satisfaction in what you achieve in the work you do, or the help you provide others. The question is not about money and position, it is more about your feelings and what will make you feel like this year will have been a success for you.
Turning goals into a plan
I wrote a blog about setting goals which might help you clarify what you want to achieve in 2024. Setting goals will help you focus your attention, energy and resources towards what’s most important to you and reduce the chance of getting distracted along the way. We tend to take greater risks, work harder, and persist in the face of obstacles when our goal is clear.
Once you have your goals clear – turn your goal into a project, break it into small steps for implementation and reward yourself every time you achieve success.
Focus on the process
Focusing on the process not the outcome will help you see the progress you are making, while also keeping you in the moment. This is practicing mindfulness, which is being aware of the current moment, with a non-judgmental and self-accepting attitude. With mindfulness, you can change your thoughts and not be chasing something that we cannot control, such as what the future will bring, or the memories of the past.
Being more present will help reduce anxiety and build focus. The journey is the pleasure, not the outcome, and I encourage you to enjoy each step you take.
Do you remember when you first began in your workplace? Were there processes or patterns of behaviour that unsettled or surprised you? If yes, there is a good chance these were probably the normative ‘unspoken’ rules you were shown you needed to comply with for acceptance and future success.
One way to evaluate the unspoken rules in your workplace is to try and put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Imagine you’re a new employee or someone with a different background, culture, or gender than you. Would that employee feel comfortable with the normative rules within your business? Would they be a good culture fit among the rest of your team?
If your answer is “no”, I challenge you today to ask yourself – ‘Why not?’
In your answer, you may find some flaws in the unspoken rules of your workforce. You might see how these rules can negatively impact your perception of others or how they may not feel entirely appropriate and welcoming as newcomers.
I am not interested in whether your rules are right or wrong, as that answer comes from the law and your own personal values. What I hope is that this article has opened your eyes and helped you realise that these unspoken rules do exist within your business. As a transformational leader, you are either accepting them and being supported by them, or they may be the reason you never quite feel like you belong.
Final thoughts
The last few years has been a period which has demonstrated that none of us can be sure where the future will lead and what changes it will bring. As we start a new year, it is valuable to take the time to realise what is important to you, and how your work can function with the rest of your life rather than be in competition. Decide this year you will be kind to yourself and aim to support your heart in where you go. No one works or lives in isolation. We need each other, and we need to keep faith in ourselves. If you would like support to set your goals for 2024 and get back into the work mindset, then contact us for a free chat on how we can help.
Author Bio

Deborah Knight is the founder of Xsead Lead with a background in organisational and individual leadership and executive coaching.
As a coach, Deborah aims to create an inclusive and respectful space where individuals and organisations can do the work necessary for growth and change. She is also passionate about helping women be valued for themselves while also contributing and being successful.
Apart from her company which she is deeply passionate about, Deborah also loves bushwalking, reading, travelling, and learning new things.
For any coaching or organisational support enquiries Deborah can be contacted via email: info@xseedlead.com.au or via her company website which is www.xseedlead.com.au.